San Mateo, California 
 CLASS OF 1959

50-Year Reunion - Oct. 23-25, 2009

Crown Plaza Hotel, Foster City, CA

To receive a CD with all of these photos and more, send request via email by clicking  here:  CD REQUEST

Send your pictures of the reunion events or anything else of interest.   Email them to reunion@hhs1959reunion.com as .jpg  or

.pdf file attachments.


Elaine Curley  Rick Stagner  Carol Bloss   John Jaeger             

                                     Warren Harger   Dave Bean   Louie Richardson

Jeff Gilbert

Principal, Hillsdale High

The Banquet

More Food!  In both hands, please!

Dave Bean     Ken Nussbaum

Gene Karcher

frnt, Amy Jones, Marilyn Siedman

rear, Judy Layne, Marilyn 

Lavezzo SusiAbramson

          Maila Johnson

             Diana Hawk

A Room Party!

Barbara Burgess


Sandy Redigan

Elaine Curley

Jim Ellis and Carolyn Winnegar Ellis 

Roger Phillips    Leura Phillips

Alice Butler

Marilyn Naegle

Joe Altschule and Sandy Van Broek

Rita Borrmann

Louie Richardson and Linnie Stone

Lynne Haynes

John Robertson

Rick Stagner and Alice Butler

Susie Abramson and John Milton

Rick Stagner

Warren Harger

Carol Bloss and Pat Pillard

The School Tour

Bill Maley,  Louie Richardson , 

             John Jaeger, Dean Hammer

Haven Kolls

Marilyn Seidman  Rolinda Durling

                       Roger & Leura Phillips

Alice Butler  Nancy Douglas  

                                   Nancy Block

Linnie Stone

Linnie and Amy

A Field Party!

Marilyn Lavezzo and Shiela Bressler

Judy Layne

Joe and Frances Ostenson

Eleanor Borchers

Jim Cady           Bill Maley

Diana Hawk

        Don Ralston     Joey Altschule


Sandy with John Jaeger

John Milton and Carol Bloss

                June and Bill Reinke

Marilyn Naegle with Bob Bowen 

Marilyn Siedman

John Jaeger and Ken Lavezzo

Susie Abramson and Sheila Bressler     

                    Bob Pardini

Pat and Warren

have breakfast
